
This section provides information on the holders of administrative and management positions or offices and those relating to the holders of managerial positions, for any reason conferred.
There is also information on sanctions for non-disclosure of data, organizational positions, staffing, cost of staff with permanent contract, data on non-permanent staff, absence rates, appointments conferred on public employees, data on collective and supplementary negotiations, and references of the independent evaluation body.
(Updataed on 06/30/2023)

As of 06/29/2023, the agency has not hired permanent staff, so there is no data available for publication.

Disposizioni relative alla gestione del personale

Conto annuale 2022
Conto annuale 2023

Normative Reference – Art. 18, legislative decree no. 33/2013, art. 53, c. 14, legislative decree no. 165/2001 concerning appointments conferred or authorised to each employee (executive and non-executive)

As at 30/09/23 no assignments conferred or authorised to employees (executive and non-executive)

Normative Reference – Legislative Decree of 14 March 2013, no. 33, Art. 10 c. 8 lett. d; Art. 15, c. 1,2,5; Art. 41 c. 2, 3 – concerning the data of managerial staff (curricula and compensation with indication of variable salary components, structure responsibilities, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers).

Normative Reference – Legislative Decree of 14 March 2013, no. 33, Art. 14, c. 1 quinquies – concerning data on non-managerial staff holding positions of responsibility (curricula, structure responsibilities, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers).For the ItaliaMeteo Agency, the obligation is restricted to the publication of the curricula, as it is an Entity with management and with assignments of positions of responsibility that do not entail management delegation.

Renata Pelosini
Duties of “EP” Area staff pursuant to Art.16 comma 6 CCNL Comparto Funzioni Centrali three-year period 19/21

Atto di incarico
Curriculum Vitae Renata Pelosini

Normative Reference – Legislative Decree of 14 March 2013, no. 33, Art. 17 c. 1, 2 – concerning data on personnel with an employment relationship not on permanent contracts with indication of the different types of relationship grouped by functional area and profile.

Normative Reference – Legislative Decree No 33 of 14 March 2013, Art. 16 c. 3. – on staff absence data for each month of the year. Taking into account the small size of the structure and the shortage of staff, the data are aggregated with reference to a single management level under the general management structure.

Normative Reference – Legislative Decree no. 33 of 14 March 2013, Art. 21 c. 1 – concerning the references needed to access the national collective contracts and agreements applied to the Agency’s staff.

The economic and legal treatment of the Agency’s managerial and non-managerial staff is governed, respectively, by the CCNL Area 1 and the CCNL Comparto Funzioni Centrali (ex-Ministries) available on the website

Normative Reference – Art. 8 of Presidential Decree 186 of 15/10/2020

Presidente: Prof. Raffaele PICARO
telefono segreteria: (+39) 06 9772 2157-3646)
curriculum vitae

Prof.ssa Emilia GAZZONI
telefono segreteria: (+39) 06 9772 2157-3646)
e-mail: pec:
curriculum vitae

telefono segreteria: (+39) 06 9772 2157-3646)
e-mail: pec:
curriculum vitae

Provvedimento di costituzione – DM 120 del 21/01/2022