Marine weather data

Marine-coastal observation networks are a cornerstone in various aspects of the marine environment and coastal resource management, playing a vital role in environmental monitoring, meteorological forecasting, marine resource oversight, emergency preparedness, land-use planning, climatology, and scientific inquiry.

At the national level, Italy boasts two significant marine observation networks: the National Mareographic Network (RMN) and the National Ondametric Network (RON) , alongside the Venice Lagoon Meteo-Mareographic Network (RMLV), all expertly overseen by the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA).

Acknowledging the essential role of local characterizations and the need for data continuity and quality, multiple regions have autonomously established their observation networks (wave buoys, tide gauges, coastal radars, current meters, multi-parameter probes, and sea-based meteorological stations).

In line with its strategic vision, the ItaliaMeteo Agency is dedicated to optimizing the integration of these local and regional networks to complement national networks, thereby advancing the creation of a national database with a robust distributed architecture.
Furthermore, to enhance meteo-marine monitoring along coastal regions, the institutional adoption of video-monitoring tools has proven to be an invaluable asset. These tools offer real-time tracking of flooding events during the monitoring phase and enable rapid damage assessment during the post-event phase, essential for a comprehensive understanding of long-term coastal morphological changes.